Top 10 Rust Concurrency Patterns for High-Performance Applications

Are you tired of slow and unresponsive applications? Do you want to take your software development skills to the next level? Then you need to learn about Rust concurrency patterns for high-performance applications!

Rust is a modern programming language that is designed for speed and safety. It is perfect for building high-performance applications that can handle a large number of concurrent users. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Rust concurrency patterns that you can use to build high-performance applications.

1. Mutex

The Mutex is a synchronization primitive that is used to protect shared resources from concurrent access. It ensures that only one thread can access the shared resource at a time. In Rust, the Mutex is implemented using the std::sync::Mutex module.

use std::sync::Mutex;

fn main() {
    let mutex = Mutex::new(0);
    let mut handle = vec![];

    for i in 0..10 {
        let mutex_clone = mutex.clone();
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut data = mutex_clone.lock().unwrap();
            *data += i;

    for thread in handle {

    println!("{:?}", mutex);

In this example, we create a Mutex that protects an integer value. We then spawn 10 threads that each add their index to the integer value. We use the Mutex to ensure that only one thread can access the integer value at a time.

2. RwLock

The RwLock is a synchronization primitive that is used to protect shared resources from concurrent access. It allows multiple threads to read the shared resource at the same time, but only one thread can write to the shared resource at a time. In Rust, the RwLock is implemented using the std::sync::RwLock module.

use std::sync::RwLock;

fn main() {
    let rwlock = RwLock::new(0);
    let mut handle = vec![];

    for i in 0..10 {
        let rwlock_clone = rwlock.clone();
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
            let data =;
            println!("Thread {} read: {}", i, *data);

    let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut data = rwlock.write().unwrap();
        *data += 1;
        println!("Thread 11 wrote: {}", *data);

    for thread in handle {

    println!("{:?}", rwlock);

In this example, we create an RwLock that protects an integer value. We spawn 10 threads that each read the integer value. We use the RwLock to allow multiple threads to read the integer value at the same time. We also spawn a thread that writes to the integer value. We use the RwLock to ensure that only one thread can write to the integer value at a time.

3. Atomic

The Atomic is a synchronization primitive that is used to protect shared resources from concurrent access. It allows multiple threads to read and write to the shared resource at the same time. In Rust, the Atomic is implemented using the std::sync::atomic module.

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};

fn main() {
    let atomic = AtomicUsize::new(0);
    let mut handle = vec![];

    for i in 0..10 {
        let atomic_clone = atomic.clone();
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
            let data = atomic_clone.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
            println!("Thread {} read: {}", i, data);

    let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let data = atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
        println!("Thread 11 wrote: {}", data + 1);

    for thread in handle {

    println!("{:?}", atomic);

In this example, we create an Atomic that protects an integer value. We spawn 10 threads that each read the integer value. We use the Atomic to allow multiple threads to read the integer value at the same time. We also spawn a thread that writes to the integer value. We use the Atomic to allow the thread to write to the integer value at the same time as the other threads are reading it.

4. Channels

Channels are a synchronization primitive that is used to communicate between threads. They allow one thread to send messages to another thread. In Rust, channels are implemented using the std::sync::mpsc module.

use std::sync::mpsc;

fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();

    let mut handle = vec![];

    for i in 0..10 {
        let tx_clone = tx.clone();
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {

    for thread in handle {

    let mut data = vec![];

    for _ in 0..10 {

    println!("{:?}", data);

In this example, we create a channel that allows one thread to send integer values to another thread. We spawn 10 threads that each send their index to the channel. We use the channel to ensure that the threads send their values in the correct order. We then receive the values from the channel and print them out.

5. Futures

Futures are a concurrency primitive that is used to represent a value that may not be available yet. They allow you to write asynchronous code that can handle multiple tasks at the same time. In Rust, futures are implemented using the futures crate.

use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::future::join_all;

async fn task(i: i32) -> i32 {
    i * 2

fn main() {
    let tasks = vec![task(1), task(2), task(3)];
    let results = block_on(join_all(tasks));
    println!("{:?}", results);

In this example, we create three tasks that each return an integer value. We use the join_all function to run the tasks concurrently and wait for all of them to complete. We then print out the results.

6. Actors

Actors are a concurrency pattern that is used to model concurrent systems. They allow you to write code that is easy to reason about and can handle multiple tasks at the same time. In Rust, actors are implemented using the actix crate.

use actix::prelude::*;

struct MyActor;

impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Context = Context<Self>;

struct Message(i32);

impl MessageHandler<Message> for MyActor {
    type Result = i32;

    fn handle(&mut self, msg: Message, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
        msg.0 * 2

fn main() {
    let system = System::new();
    let addr = MyActor.start();

    let result = addr.send(Message(1)).unwrap().wait().unwrap();
    println!("{}", result);;

In this example, we create an actor that can handle messages of type Message. We implement the handle function to double the integer value in the message. We then create an instance of the actor and send it a message. We use the send function to send the message and the wait function to wait for the result. We then print out the result.

7. Thread Pool

A thread pool is a concurrency pattern that is used to manage a pool of threads. It allows you to reuse threads instead of creating new ones for each task. In Rust, thread pools are implemented using the rayon crate.

use rayon::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

    let result = data.par_iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    println!("{:?}", result);

In this example, we create a vector of integer values. We use the par_iter function to create a parallel iterator over the vector. We use the map function to double each value in the vector. We then collect the results into a new vector and print it out.

8. Async/Await

Async/await is a concurrency pattern that is used to write asynchronous code that is easy to read and reason about. It allows you to write code that can handle multiple tasks at the same time without using callbacks or complex state machines. In Rust, async/await is implemented using the async-std crate.

use async_std::task;

async fn task(i: i32) -> i32 {
    i * 2

fn main() {
    let result = task::block_on(async {
        let tasks = vec![task(1), task(2), task(3)];

    println!("{:?}", result);

In this example, we create three tasks that each return an integer value. We use the join_all function to run the tasks concurrently and wait for all of them to complete. We then print out the results.

9. Thread Local Storage

Thread local storage is a concurrency pattern that is used to store data that is local to a thread. It allows you to avoid the overhead of synchronization primitives like Mutex and RwLock. In Rust, thread local storage is implemented using the std::thread::LocalKey module.

use std::cell::RefCell;

thread_local! {
    static DATA: RefCell<i32> = RefCell::new(0);

fn main() {
    let mut handle = vec![];

    for i in 0..10 {
        let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
            DATA.with(|data| {
                *data.borrow_mut() += i;

    for thread in handle {

    DATA.with(|data| {
        println!("{}", *data.borrow());

In this example, we create a thread local variable that stores an integer value. We spawn 10 threads that each add their index to the integer value. We use the thread local variable to avoid the overhead of synchronization primitives like Mutex and RwLock. We then print out the final value of the integer.

10. Futures Streams

Futures streams are a concurrency pattern that is used to represent a stream of values that may not be available yet. They allow you to write asynchronous code that can handle multiple tasks at the same time. In Rust, futures streams are implemented using the futures crate.

use futures::stream::StreamExt;

async fn task(i: i32) -> i32 {
    i * 2

fn main() {
    let stream = futures::stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3]);

    let results =|i| task(i)).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    let results = futures::executor::block_on(results);

    println!("{:?}", results);

In this example, we create a stream of integer values. We use the map function to create a new stream of tasks that each return an integer value. We use the collect function to collect the results into a new vector and print it out.


In this article, we have explored the top 10 Rust concurrency patterns for high-performance applications. We have covered Mutex, RwLock, Atomic, Channels, Futures, Actors, Thread Pool, Async/Await, Thread Local Storage, and Futures Streams. These patterns will help you write high-performance applications that can handle a large number of concurrent users. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning Rust concurrency patterns today and take your software development skills to the next level!

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